The Bank of Beverley School

May 27th 2014

In April and May 2014, Five Lamps’ MyBnk Project Officer Jenny Donaldson delivered a MyBnk Money Twist programme to eighteen 16-18 year olds at the Sixth Form at The Beverley School in Middlesbrough

The Beverley School is a specialist school for children and young people with autism.

Money Twist KS3 consists of three highly interactive and adaptive sessions building young people’s knowledge around basic finance and helping them engage with money:

  • Story of Money: History and features of money, Forms of payment, Currency & exchange rates
  • Managing Money: Budgeting, Youth employment, Minimum wage, Needs and wants and Saving
  • Banking Money: Interest, Accounts, Ethical banking, Flow of money, Connecting the learning from previous sessions

Ryan, 17 said

“It was very interesting and very important, especially for other people who save money for the future”

Money Twist involves writing, presenting, drawing, maths and problem solving. It uses real life case studies, colourful resources, games and videos drawn from their age group and popular culture, enabling students to explore and form their own opinions regarding their relationship with money. Activities cater for a variety of learning styles, with many extensions and variations.

Throughout the workshop participants create and present their own Bank of the Future in groups of 3-4. The Beverley School’s Sixth Form group certainly had their thinking caps on and the ideas that came out of the sessions were brilliant…biometric scanning, contactless payments and security features so safe that you’d have to have a secret hand-shake to get your hands on big cash withdrawls.

Trevor Tiit, Head of Sixth Form said

“Excellent, definitely a worthwhile programme”

Money Twist is based on the Every Child Matters, Ofsted and PSHEE guidelines on financial literacy, and maps into aspects of the PSHEE, Citizenship, Maths and English curriculum. It is ideal for financial capability focus days, enterprise weeks or can be built into a lesson plan over a number of weeks.