The Youth United Stockton (YUSA) Youth Club is for young people aged 11 to 19 years and is open on Thursday's (18:30 to 20:30)

Senior sessions are for young people aged 10-19 years where they take part in a wide range of activities and workshops aimed at teaching the young people new skills whilst having a great time. They can make use of our climbing wall at no extra cost with our qualified climbing instructor, which is great for developing their strength and stamina, increasing their co-ordination and in turn building confidence and self-esteem.
Young people can get involved in a range of activities including:
- Cooking workshops
- Hair and Beauty
- Arts and Crafts
- Dancing in our arena
- Xbox and Arcadia
- Pool
- Table Tennis
- Table Football
- Allotment
- Trips Out*
- Games
- Air Hockey
We aim to help young people develop new skills, develop social skills and make new friends. The workshops are all based on voluntary participation and whilst the staff will encourage the young people to join in, they are not obliged to and they can take part at a level which they feel comfortable at. We endeavour to develop our workshops with the young people’s feedback and in line with seasonal events.
We operate a no bullying policy and we are very strict with this. We are aware that bullying can occur within all environments and we actively encourage the young people to speak up if they see or experience any form of bullying, this would then be dealt with quickly.
The Youthy is open throughout all of the school holidays with the exception of bank holidays and Christmas, when we are closed between Christmas and New Year.
Guidance for parents and carers
The Senior Youth Club has an open access policy, the young people can come and go as they wish. The session not only includes age appropriate planned workshops but allows the young people to simply relax and socialise with their friends and the staff. We have staff trained to deliver C-Card and pregnancy testing within the Fraser guidelines.
We work hard to provide a safe environment for all young people who attend. All staff and volunteers are enhanced CRB cleared and have completed safeguarding training. All staff are qualified or working towards a minimum level 2 qualification in youth work. Our resident climbing wall instructor is fully CRB cleared and SPA trained to be able to deliver climbing wall instruction. We have a number of qualified first aiders on site at all times. All staff who deliver cooking workshops are trained in Food Safety in Catering. The programme is managed by the Youth Inclusion Manager, who is qualified in Youth Work. We have a level 2 qualified Football coach. Staff have completed a course on bullying awareness and e-safety. Risk assessments are carried out before activities commence and prior to trips out of the centre. In addition some of the staff have completed a Fire Safety and Training course as per the regulatory reform (Fire Safety) order 2005.
The building is checked on a daily basis to ensure full operation of the emergency lighting, fire alarms and fire exits. The building is checked weekly to ensure that all smoke detectors are operational. Young people are made aware of all fire exits and assembly points when they join The Youthy.
We like to encourage parental feedback and suggestions.
Click here for more information on Youth United Stockton Alliance