When older people come out of hospital, they can need more support than usual to help get them back on their feet. Five Lamps’ Home form Hospital project provides this support for up to two weeks post discharge from University Hospital North Tees and this service is free to use. This project has been funded by Stockton Borough Council.
We can help people coming out of hospital with anything from transport home; ensuring the heating works and the house is tidy; collecting shopping or prescriptions and liaising with a wide range of other services to reduce the chance that an older person will end up back in hospital. We can also provide a vital link between the older person and the outside world at a time when they are still recovering from an accident or illness and encourage them to get involved in social inclusion activities and local community groups.
We can also make referrals to services such as the Citizens Advice Bureau for further support needs and a handyperson service to ensure that outstanding repairs in the home are completed. Our network of support ensures that the service user stay’s safe and is less likely to be readmitted back into hospital.
People who have already accessed the service have told us they value the project with one person stating;
“Without Home from Hospital I don’t feel that I would have made such good progress when I got home. They arranged to get my medication delivered, arranged a care package. They have helped me with daily needs and cheered me up. I didn’t want the girls to leave at the end of the service.”
For further information about the service or to arrange a referral, please contact 07739973394 or 07591951210. You can also email