Duo avoid breadline thanks to support from Five Lamps

September 27th 2010

A pair of sandwich-makers who faced unemployment are continuing to earn a crust thanks to support from Five Lamps

“As well as the financial side we also received help from Five Lamps making a business plan and they continue to give us support along the way. Running the business is totally different for us so the advice has been very important”

Karen Hunter and Sharon Rodham, on the support they received from Five Lamps.

When the owner of The Pantry on Thorntree Road in Thornaby announced her forthcoming retirement, employees Sharon Rodham and Karen Hunter feared they would lose their jobs. Both had worked there for several years and did not want to see the successful sandwich and hot food business go to waste, so they decided to turn to Five Lamps for help.

Their application led to a loan and grants, allowing them to take over the lease and carry out a major refurbishment. In November 2009, they reopened the shop with a new name – Fillers.

Sharon, 41, who has worked at the shop for 13 years and lives in Thornaby, said

“In the current climate it’s good that local businesses can get this kind of support. If we hadn’t had this we would have had to go to a bank and wouldn’t have got the same support.”

Karen, 40, also from Thornaby, who has worked at the shop for six years, said

“As well as the financial side we also received help making a business plan and they continue to give us support along the way. “Running the business is totally different for us so the advice has been very important.”