Changing the world one box at a time

October 8th 2010

Students from Roseberry College and Sixth Form have been changing the world one box at a time by signing up to the MyBnK Future Sparks project delivered by Five Lamps

Choosing the Enterprise-in-a-Box programme as a catalyst to get the young students involved worked a treat and 22 Year 10 students took up the social entrepreneur challenge of marketing and selling exclusive ethical tool-kits.

The ethical tool-kits range from seedboms, guerrilla gardening hand-grenade flower bombers, Made-in-Carcere (Italian; Made in prison) are up cycled waste textiles that would otherwise go to landfill and cause environmental problems and an African Prison Project CD by Condemned Choir in an Ugandan prison, the main aim of this CD is to raise money for human rights and legal aid.

As part of the challenge the students learnt the difference between a charity, a business and a social enterprise. Get it, Do it, Use it…is the simple model used in the Enterprise-in-a-Box programme.

The next part of the challenge was for the teams to go off into the world with their tool-kits and started selling straight away using all the skills from the first session. These skills include negotiation, team work, problem-solving and tackling challenging customers head on.

The challenge was a real success and the 4 teams who took part managed to raise £106.55 by selling the tool-kits to other pupils, teachers and friends and family members. Holly, 15 said

“It was interesting and offered a new experience in marketing and selling”

The sessions had a positive impact on the students: 100% improvement in their understanding of what social enterprise is; 89% improvement in their ability to work out expected profit for a business; 95% improvement in their confidence in taking on responsibility and 74% improvement in their intention to set up their own business in the future.

Mr Wallace, Cover Manager at Roseberry College and Sixth Form said

“Great way to show students how to make an enterprise idea work”

Five lamps’ MyBnk project offer Enterprise education as well as Financial Inclusion and are all suited to tie in with many areas of the curriculum including Maths, English, Business Studies, PGCE, Work Related Learning and many more such as PSHEE.