Children in Need support VIBE

August 30th 2011

Young People with special needs who attend the Youthy’s VIBE youth club are celebrating after receiving additional funding from Children in Need to run the youth club 2 nights a week.

VIBE (Versatile, Brilliant, Imaginative, Environment) is a youth club for young people with special needs. The young people come to VIBE to make new friends, socialise, take part in a wide variety of activities including cooking, arts and crafts, climbing wall, pool, table tennis, dancing, discos, talent shows and hair and beauty.

Mrs Grantham who attends VIBE said

“my eldest child has gained confidence and has learnt how to do the climbing wall”

VIBE is open to young people with special needs aged between 7 and 18 years who live within, Thornaby, Stockton, Stillington, Billingham, Ingleby Barwick, Norton, Eaglescliffe and Yarm.

After 3 years of funding from Children in Need for 1 session a week, young people were eager for a second evening. Five Lamps successfully applied for additional funding from Children in Need and now run VIBE 2 evenings a week (Tuesdays and Fridays) from their purpose built youth facility, the Youthy.

Miss Lawson who attends VIBE with her children said

“Friday night at The Youthy is what my two children enjoy very much; they can’t wait for Fridays now…Best thing ever! They’ve met new friends, socialise more”

Young people who have attended VIBE for the past 3 years have shown increased self-confidence, developed more independence, improved their social skills, increased their fitness levels, learnt a variety of new skills and most importantly have made great friendships and had fantastic fun.

One of the parents who attends VIBE, Mrs Anderson said

“my daughter has developed some independence and made some friends and my little boy has become more sociable. It’s nice to come and watch them being themselves”

Five Lamps’ qualified Youth Workers support the young people to develop their social skills and promote increased independence. They have worked with the young people in deciding projects and activities that they would like to do, which has encouraged ownership and made them feel valued and respected.

A Support Worker said:

“As a Support Worker I have noticed a massive difference in the confidence of the young girl I bring. She has excelled and has started interacting with other children and has gained more independence”

The activities run at the Youthy have also supported the development of independent living skills such as cooking, personal grooming and food hygiene. All participation is voluntary and the young people are able to take part at a level of their choosing.

Five Lamps have developed a safe, supportive and friendly environment where the young people feel comfortable and able to relax enabling them to be more confident in taking part in activities, making new friends and discussing issues which are important to them.

Mrs Heads, a parent who attends VIBE said

“My kids really look forward to Friday nights. It gives them a lot of independence and it gives me a bit of peace! I don’t see them from coming in to going home – as they are very comfortable in their surroundings”

For more information about VIBE contact the Youthy on (01642) 628195.