Glen hits rock bottom 1,300 feet up!

June 26th 2012

Glenn Fullerton first joined Five Lamps Recovery Group for a trip to Carlton Bank on Sunday 13 November 2011.

He was feeling decidedly the worse for wear after a heavy night helping a friend to celebrate his 40th Birthday.

Former heroin addict Glenn had more recently transferred his addictive behaviour to alcohol, benzodiazepines and Cannabis. He had known Jodie Hind in his previous existence and was curious to find out exactly what had happened to Jodie to bring about such a rapid change in his life.

Glenn was understandably nervous about joining Stockton Recovery Group, but relaxed quickly when he realised he was among like- minded individuals, people who talked about drink and drugs on his level and with a simple programme to help him get off the roller coaster of addiction. The day had a massive impact on Glenn; he stopped drinking and using cannabis and has maintained his abstinence to date (seven months down the line). In February 2012, with the help of Five Lamps Recovery Group and NA, Glenn stopped taking his prescribed Benzodiazepines under his GP’s supervision and stopped buying and using illicit street versions of the drug.

Glenn now volunteers for Five Lamps through the Recovery Programme as a Support Worker and has signed up to Five Lamps FamilyWise provision to support his career progression. As part of this programme he recently started a Health and Social Care course and is due to start Drugs and Alcohol Awareness and Counselling training.

Glen said

“Just talking to other addicts on that first trip to Carlton Bank who were clean and sober gave me a simple, new guide to living. Climbing the Bank which is 1,339 feet high was a bit of a killer, but was totally worth it. A bit like recovery, hard to attain at first, but worth it in the long run!”

Stockton Recovery Group is supported by Five Lamps and Stockton’s Drug, Alcohol, Adult Commissioning Group and supports people and their families with round the clock support through daily drop-ins, a helpline, a social network site and therapeutic walks and activities.