Jackie can’t thank Five Lamps enough

July 31st 2012

Five Lamps have been helping people to manage their money through a ‘Capacity Builders’ course, which helps people to make a budget, understand what financial terms mean and also to cope better with their debt.

It also looks at what help is available for people if they are looking to get back into employment or self-employment. After the workshop, our customers have the option of a one to one meeting with a Five Lamps Loan Officer.

Jackie Dodsworth from Hartlepool attended a Five Lamps Capacity Builders workshop that was being held in her local school with an open invitation for parents to attend.

John Hird, Five Lamps’ Senior Loans Officer met with Jackie who explained that she was having financial problems due to her husband having recently been made redundant and they had a number of outstanding creditors to repay. Due to the unforeseen changes in her financial situation Jackie was not only struggling to continue making the full payments and keeping them up to date but she was unsure how to deal with this problem.

John wrote to four of Jackie’s creditors, offering them affordable and realistic monthly payments and asked for any further interest charges to be stopped. The offers were all accepted and the interest charges were also stopped. This has now put Jackie in a much better financial position going forward and will relieve the stress and worry she had been experiencing.

Jackie said

“Getting the help from Five Lamps to deal with my finances has lifted a huge burden off my shoulders and I cannot say thank you enough”