Emily’s commitment to finding work pays off

August 28th 2012

Emily Johnson first came to Five Lamps in October 2010 after leaving school.

Emily attended a Foundation Learning programme, improving her basic skills and confidence. This helped Emily to move into Stockton Riverside College with more confidence to access a Travel and Tourism Level 3 course. However, Emily took the decision to leave college when she found out she was pregnant with her daughter.

Emily spent time preparing for her daughter’s arrival, moving into her own home and preparing for life as a single mum. Emily became extremely low and returned to Five Lamps to ask for advice and guidance. Anne Rookes, Five Lamps’ GOIL Advisor supported Emily and signposted her to teenage pregnancy support agencies.

In May 2011 Emily signed up to Five Lamps’ Get On In Life (GOIL) project. Five Lamps run GOIL on behalf of Stockton Council to support young people aged 14- 19 years who are Not in Education Employment or Training (NEET). Five Lamps work with young people to re-engage them in learning, training and employment. GOIL is funded by the European Social Fund (ESF).

Emily attended fortnightly sessions and looked at various career options, always taking into consideration childcare for her daughter. Emily has support from her mum, who looks after her daughter when possible. Emily’s mum works night shifts so Emily needed to find work on an afternoon when her daughter was looked after.

Emily attended courses and training in Emergency First Aid at Work and Health and Safety at Work. Anne supported Emily to complete job application forms and prepared her for possible interviews and learning interview techniques. Emily’s commitment to looking for employment was outstanding, while always wanting the best for her young daughter.

In April 2012 there was an opportunity for a voluntary position with Five Lamps Financial Inclusion division, five days a week, every afternoon. Emily grabbed the opportunity with both hands and organised childcare and settled into the role very quickly. Emily had changed from a young girl to an extremely mature young woman, accepting her responsibilities.

After weeks of volunteering, a position came available at Five Lamps through Stockton Council’s Youth Employment Initiative programme and Emily was keen to apply. Anne worked intensely with Emily at this time, looking at possible interview questions and answers, making enquiries at local nurseries about childcare positions for Emily’s daughter if she was successful at her interview.

Anne gained massive job satisfaction when Emily was successful in gaining a post. Emily was delighted; her daughter attends a local nursery and loves her days there.

Anne said

“Emily is settling well into her role as an Administrator. She is a wonderful role model for other young people, with her commitment and determination to seek work, care for her daughter and live independently”