Food for all ages!

April 3rd 2023

Five lamps were successful in securing a £2,000 Food Aid Fund allowing us to provide 119 breakfasts and packed lunches as well as 195 portions of fish and chips to service users!

The Stockton Borough Council Food Aid Fund was launched as a financial aid to projects that provide food to Stockton-on-Tees residents. Five Lamps were elated to receive these funds as Darren Iveson, Youth Inclusion Manager, had big plans to support both our young and elderly service users. During the February half term, Five Lamps ran a HAF (Holidays Are Fun) project at The Youthy for young people aged 5-16 years old where they received a breakfast, had access to the onsite climbing wall, engaged in dance sessions with Urban Kaos and participated in cooking classes.

Holiday hunger is a prevalent issue within the Stockton-on-Tees borough due to the current Cost of Living Crisis, so many families are struggling to feed their children at home. Five Lamps believe that no child should go hungry, so with the help of the Food Aid Fund, all children were provided with a breakfast and a packed lunch to take home after each HAF session. These packed lunches contained a sandwich, a piece of fruit, yoghurt, crisps, an energy bar and a drink. As a result of this funding, 119 breakfasts and lunches were distributed during February half term.

The HAF project will be returning for April half term from Monday 3rd– Thursday 6th April and Tuesday 11th– Friday 14thApril. Keep an eye on our website and social media accounts for more information!


Five Lamps Home Care provide an effective and responsive domiciliary care service in Stockton-on-Tees including, Thornaby, Middlesbrough, Ingleby Barwick and Yarm. As well as providing food for our young service users, we wanted to ensure our elderly service users were involved too. Five Lamps decided a fish and chip lunch would be well received by our Home Care service users to express our appreciation and relieve the feeling of loneliness.

41 portions of fish and chips were delivered to our residents at Parkside Court, and a further 77 lunches have been hand delivered directly to our service users’ homes. Everyone that received a portion of fish and chips expressed their gratitude towards this gesture and we received some amazing feedback!

To recognise the continued support and dedication of our 77 members of staff, the fish and chip lunch has been extended to all employees. Five Lamps are grateful for the commitment our team shows each day, so this is a small gesture to show our appreciation.

If you or someone you know requires care, please contact or phone 01642 753517 for more information.